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2020 End of Legislative Session Report

COVID, Delayed Session and Numerous Anti-Business Bills Mark 2020 Session The 2020 session was full of challenges – some we anticipated, but others – like the COVID-19 pandemic – we couldn’t have imagined. In the weeks since lawmakers left the Capitol in June, we’ve had time to reflect on the session, which started with a … Read Post

Supreme Court Rules Against Electronic Signature Gathering

The Colorado Supreme Court unanimously agreed with our coalition’s position that electronic signature gathering violates Colorado’s Constitution, ruling against Gov. Jared Polis’s executive order and aligning with a lawsuit filed by members of the business community. The Court issued the ruling Wednesday. As we shared with you in May, the Chamber led a statewide coalition that came out … Read Post

Member News

Our members work hard every day to make the Denver metro area a great place to do business. We want to keep you in the know about the important work of our members, whether they are opening new business locations, hiring more people or creating new partnerships. Read about our members in the news: Morgridge … Read Post

Testing Employees for COVID-19

Testing Employees for COVID-19? Here’s What to Consider. We have shared our approach at the Chamber as we reopened to staff. And, like many of you, we’re learning as much as we can about what to consider when it comes to testing our teams for COVID-19. Here’s what we’ve discovered. Are employers allowed to require … Read Post

Taking Pride in a Landmark Decision

It’s been a good week. Friday marked the commemoration of Juneteenth – the day 155 years ago when Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, to share that the Civil War had ended and slavery had been abolished. It took the soldiers two and a half years to get there after President Lincoln issued the Emancipation … Read Post

A Tale of Two Sessions

The 2020 session at Denver Metro Chamber State of the State.  A legislative session that began with several costly proposals later dropped, such as state-run paid family leave and a state health insurance option, ended with a battle over bills that added additional burdens and costs to business, such as unemployment insurance and roll-backs to … Read Post