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2020 Legislative Session Closes

As you all saw, the legislature reconvened the session on May 26 after an emergency recess due to COVID-19. Late yesterday, the 2020 session formally came to a close. Whew! We were told legislation would be “fast, free and friendly” during the few weeks we were back in session, but that isn’t how we would describe our … Read Post

Legislative Session Frantic in Final Days

In the two weeks since the legislative session resumed, the Chamber has weighed in on numerous bills, including sweeping roll-backs to tax relief policies, changes to how the reinsurance program is funded and a paid sick leave mandate. We were optimistic during the short recess that legislators would be motivated to help businesses during this … Read Post

House Bill 1420 Puts Coloradans’ Jobs at Risk

We need your help. On Friday, we wrote you about legislation that we knew was in the works to roll back the tax relief that is helping to keep many Coloradans employed. Thank you to those of you who took action and wrote your legislator to share your concerns. Now, House Bill 1420 has been … Read Post

Denver Metro Chamber Statement on House Bill 1420

DENVER METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RELEASES STATEMENT ON HOUSE BILL 1420 The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce released the following statement regarding House Bill 1420. “The short-sighted view of the legislature is particularly concerning during this time of serious economic challenge for Coloradans. It makes no sense to close a budget gap by slowing the … Read Post

ACTION NEEDED: Tell Your Legislators Not to Roll Back Tax Relief

When the legislature reconvened on May 26, they returned to a different world. Aside from the face masks and social-distancing requirements, they were faced with very tough decisions framed by a vastly different budget reality, climbing unemployment numbers and a new focus on public health and economic recovery. These issues sound familiar, because they are similar to the challenges many of our organizations … Read Post

The Message We Should Have the Courage to Carry

It’s hard to find a way to talk about what has happened these past few days – maybe more so because I’m a white woman. My daily life doesn’t remind me of the barriers many in our nation continue to face. If you are a person of color, you have lived the experience every day … Read Post

Legislative Session Resumes

Today, state legislators are back at the Capitol resuming the session that was suspended abruptly March 14 by COVID-19. The legislature can meet for about 50 more days, but legislative leaders have expressed a desire to have a condensed session. Though there were 355 bills to be acted upon (and more to be introduced) when … Read Post