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Celebrating Leaders in Our Community

Each day, I identify the highlight of my day — and this week I know my highlight will be on Thursday when we celebrate the best in community leadership with our Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation at its Leading Colorado luncheon. We’re honoring the finalists for the 9NEWS Leader of the Year Award – Anthony … Read Post

Leadership Roundtable

On Entrepreneurship, Mentors and Being the Only Woman in the Room “Apparently today is the day women took over.” That comment from Chamber President and CEO Kelly Brough was greeted by laughter and cheers as she introduced four women who run their own companies and lead at the Chamber and its affiliates – something that’s … Read Post

This Week in Policy

Oil and Gas Legislation Introduced Legislation that will drastically change oil and gas operations in Colorado was introduced late Friday and was immediately heard and passed out of the Senate Transportation & Energy Committee on Tuesday night. Senate Bill 181 contains 27 pages of regulations, ranging from increased local governmental control to changing the composition and … Read Post

The Workplace Trend That’s Here to Stay: Telecommuting

Telecommuting, also known as teleworking or remote working, is a global professional trend on the rise across businesses large and small. In fact, studies show that 70 percent of people globally work from home at least once per week. Factors like the cost of child care, chronic health problems, lengthy commute times and distracting environments … Read Post

This Week in Policy

More Work to Do This Session Although Friday marks the midpoint of the session, we’re still waiting on several bills pertinent to the business community to be introduced, including the state-run family and medical leave insurance program, oil and gas regulations and a potential referred measure to de-Bruce state revenue. As of this week, the … Read Post

Sales Tax Reform: Colorado Expands Tax Sourcing Rules

In September, the Colorado Department  of Revenue issued emergency temporary regulations that radically changed the sourcing rules for sales tax purposes. These new regulations became effective Dec. 1, 2018 – however enforcement will not begin until May 31, 2019. The new sourcing regulations require Colorado vendors to collect sales tax based on the destination of … Read Post

Small Wonder

Businesses Finding Success – and Making a Big Impact Small business continues to play a big role in Colorado’s economy, employing 1.1 million people and representing 99.5 percent of businesses. But, something bigger happens through these businesses, says Colorado Lending Source Executive Director Mike O’Donnell. “I’m of the opinion that if you work for yourself … Read Post